Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Cantilever Racking Safe Usage

Cantilever racking is one of the most important aspects in a storage system, especially when heavy materials are to be placed in a safe and confined area. However, installation can be costly and so proper maintenance should be considered for long-time use. Taking necessary precautions is needed to promote long-term stability of the materials; this is also to avoid users getting into harm’s way.

Here are the 5 most important steps to take to ensure safe use of cantilever racks. 

1.       Careful placing of the materials. Heavy materials have to be carefully handled and stored. Just like parking a vehicle, make sure that there will be no damage done to the cantilever rack and to the materials. Most of the time, a forklift is used to place the materials into the racks. Make sure that the forklift operator is well-trained to place the load as carefully as possible.

2.       All personnel involved in the storage should be well-informed on the safety precaution of storing heavy materials. There should be an allotted proximity where the personnel remain safe in case they get hit by a heavy load. This should be applied when loading and unloading heavy materials.

3.       Check for proper installation. The installed cantilever racks must be placed on even concrete. This will ensure that the racks will not sway when heavy materials are stored. Some companies use metal shims in case further adjustment of columns and bases are needed.

4.       Never crawl under the cantilever rack and never climb on top of it. In case a material has to be unloaded, it has to be done with a forklift or other equipment’s. The cantilever racking can also be customized so that people will not have to climb or crawl around the cantilever rack. Catwalk systems usually are installed, or metal ladders are considered for this purpose.

5.       By default, the heavy materials are put at the lowest levels, and the light ones are on the top. Make sure that all personnel know the weight of every material placed into the racks. If using tandem racks, it is essential to distribute the weight evenly on each side.

Cantilever racking is truly essential in storing heavy materials. However, for safety reasons, it has to be used the proper way. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

How to Store Your Lumber Properly

Store the Lumber Properly
Store the Lumber Properly
Lumber is an important material for construction. A sustainable amount of supply usually is needed to build a specific structure like a clubhouse, deck, or room. A huge pile of lumber is hard to store and those kept for later use usually deteriorate in time. Therefore, storage systems are needed to ensure that the lumber is at its good condition before actual use. The use of cantilever racking systems commonly is considered but there are other factors needed to be checked.

1. Regular inspection. It is essential to do regular inspection so that signs of damage can be easily addressed. Molds, insects, and moisture can destroy the structure of the lumber, making it weak and porous.

2. Control the temperature. Lumber attracts moist easily and so a change of temperature may damage its structure. Be sure to keep the lumber in a dry area, even better when it is elevated from the ground. Cantilever racking systems are great options to keep the lumber in good condition. It allows air circulation so that the lumbers are kept dry even after long storage.

3. Store the lumber indoor. It is ideal to protect the lumber from the changes of weather. This is highly recommended for long-time storage. As was mentioned earlier, lumber absorbs moisture and so it is highly susceptible to damage when stored outside. If there is no available indoor space for storage, the next best thing is to use a nonporous material to protect the lumber. However, make sure that the protective material is good enough to allow proper ventilation. Nonporous materials like plastic trap moisture inside and this can easily penetrate into the lumber.

4. Store the lumber in the nearest construction site. This will not only offer convenience, it will also ensure that the lumber will be easily transported without incurring damages. Lumber damages are usually seen as it is used. When the storage location is far from the construction site, it will take a lot of time returning the supplies and replacing it anew.

Storing lumbers is simple and this can be easier with the use of cantilever racking systems. This can be installed easily and conveniently.